Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Making Apple Muffins

On Sunday we began the process, juicing 6 apples an a chunk of ginger root, making some delicious fresh juice, which we drank. The cellulose waste that is created by the apple juice (and ginger) was actually a great opportunity. We looked up a recipe, and turned that waste into some delicious opportunity.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

SternItUpdate #003

I went for a 7 mile walk on Sunday. Alright, I didn't manage to finish the walk, but that's primarily because I tend to have a lot on my plate at one time, and this Sunday was even more than typical. Way more than typical. The previous night I had run nearly five miles (see my account of the run by clicking here), and later that day I was set to learn with my friend Levi in Crown Heights. So I had to cheat a little and take the subway back to the Village and grab lunch before heading out to Crown Heights. In addition to that, I also stayed up studying for my final in Classical Mythology on Tuesday (I did pretty darn well, if I do say so myself, though the proof will be in the scores, and I won't know for a couple weeks yet).

Anyway, you've let me go on for far too long. Without any more ado, please enjoy Stern It Update #003.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Short Film: A Vegetable Horror Movie

The second movie I made for my Short Commercial Form class in my Junior year at NYU.

In this project, the aim was to make the audience feel sympathy for an inanimate object. Now, I cheated a little bit by animating the character, but I think I did just fine.

In the movie, a cook (my girlfriend, Anna) is making soup. She cuts up various vegetables, one by one, and then drops them into the pot of boiling water. The last in line is the dill, who is quite literally quivering with fear.


Short Film: Eating S!?#

My first short film for my Short Commercial Form class in my Junior Year at NYU.

The purpose of the project is to create a video that could potentially convince someone that the contents of the video are, in fact, factual. Rest assured, I did not eat poop at any time, from any animal. The poop is a mixture of chocolate and rice crispies. Actually it was quite tasty, which is ironic.

Anyway, the story in the video is

Short Film: War

This is my third short film I made for Sight and Sound: Film in my sophomore year of college. It was filmed on the Arriflex camera using 16mm black and white film. No sound.

Sporatic, energetic, exciting! War begins with a challenge to a game of cards that quickly escalates. Stay tuned to the very end to see the twist!

Short Film: Drawing Love

This is my second short film I made for Sight and Sound: Film in my sophomore year of college. It was filmed on the Arriflex camera using 16mm black and white film. No sound.

In this poignant short film, a hopelessly romantic girl annoys her chauvinistic boyfriend with her girlish ways. He leaves her, and she is left alone and heartbroken for some time. Eventually, she manages to bring herself to leave her own lonely embrace long enough to go to a party. While everyone else is enjoying themselves and happy, she feels separate and uncomfortably alone. At this party, she notices a man who, she discovers, is also a hopeless romantic.


Short Film: Cig

This is my first short film I made for Sight and Sound: Film in my sophomore year of college.
It was filmed on the Arriflex camera using 16mm black and white film. No sound.

The story is of a man who comes to the park and just wants a cigarette. To his horror, he realizes he has none on him. He rummages around in his pockets to find materials to build himself a cigarette, and proceeds to do so. Upon finishing the process, he then realizes he has nothing with which to light this ridiculous cigarette.
