Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back To Civilization

Here it is. Later than I had hoped to put it up, but here nonetheless. In this video, I made the trip from the beautiful Adirondack Mountains, where I spent a good chunk of my summer - about 6 weeks or so - back to the hustle bustle of New York City.

I hitched a ride with my brother, and my girlfriend also shared the trip. My brother and I took turns driving, and arrived in the Bronx, which is where my girlfriend and I got out and caught a 1 train heading downtown. That was the hardest part of the trip. The station in the bronx had no elevator, so lugging all of our luggage (I had one huuuge suitcase, my violin, camera [which I actually didn't end up using all summer because I just used my iPhone], messenger bag, and another small bag besides. Plus both of my tefillin [phelactories] Oy.), we slowly ascended the two long flights of stairs. Once we were on the train, utterly exhausted, we both collapsed into four empty seats, with ample room for all of our stuff. At 42nd Street, we found an elevator and switched to the NQR, taking elevators wherever possible.

At Union Square, we got out again, headed to an elevator to take us up to the main level, and then went about finding another elevator. We didn't find one because, as a woman who shared the first elevator told us, "There isn't an elevator to the street at Union Square." Well, as I found out a couple days later, that isn't entirely true, but Union Square station is sprawled out underground, and the elevator isn't anywhere near Union Square West, where we wanted to get out. It's all the way at the Easternmost entrance to the station. But it's there. Anyway...

Once we lugged all of our stuff into our rooms in our respective dorm rooms, I headed to the apartment where I resided at the beginning of the summer and proceeded to move all of my other stuff (with the help of my illustrious room mate) to my dorm.

I am now settled in and comfortable. Life is good. I may do an extra video soon about my new dorm. Keep watching!


  1. great! welcome back to NYC! when was this? i thought they closed down the subway system this weekend?

  2. Loved the music!
    And nice transitions! Very smooth!

  3. @Hipster Chasid - Yeah, I got in Thursday, before the debacle that turned out to be nothing. Weathered the storm. Actually, I slept through it. Ha!
